1. What is VGM?

VGM is the abbreviation of the English phrase Verified Gross Mass. This is a set of SOLAS conventions designed to require shippers to determine the volume of imported containers containing goods. This regulation was published in 2016. This set of conventions is the minimum standard for the structure and operation of the ship to protect the safety of the crew members on board.

2. Function of VGM

Determine the weight of the container

Determining the weight of the cargo container will help control the weight on the ship better. Based on this weight to know if the container is overloaded by the shipping line or not. If it is exceeded, it will be refused to transport or reduce the load.

By determining how the weight of the cargo is determined, ships can operate safely and efficiently. This helps to better protect property and human life on board.

Arrange on the ship

Based on the VGM, we know the weight and size of each type of goods. From there, ship owners can arrange the position of items according to each area in the most optimal way.

Usually, the heaviest containers will be placed at the bottom, the lighter ones will be placed at the top. This makes the process of transporting goods by sea more convenient, limiting the possibility of falling and causing the ship to capsize.

Documents submitted to the port

In fact, VGM is used to submit to the port or shipping line to determine the parameters of the weight of the goods, not the customs documents.

3. Method of calculating VGM

To ensure accuracy, when making VGM we need to calculate in the following ways:

Step 1:

Weigh all goods directly with electronic scales before packing into containers. Then, add the weight of the empty container to know the overall weight of the cargo container placed on the ship. From there, we will get accurate results on VGM.

This method is often applied to ports with electronic scales with not too large tonnage. In addition, the goods that have not been containerized at the port can be weighed directly before being packed into the container.

Step 2:

Weigh all truck containing cargo containers. Next, proceed to weigh the vehicle without the container. The difference between the two indicators just measured is the result to be filled in in the VGM.

This method is applied mainly when the unit has already packed the goods into the container and transported it to the port. Accordingly, it is most convenient to carry out the method of weighing all vehicles. With this method, only applicable to ports in

Depending on the different port will have different application. It’s depends on the equipment and methods used in that port.

4. Form of VGM

Understanding the needs of customers, Ashico Logs created the VGM form as the following attachment: /upload/cdn/files/VGM.DOC

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